Ivan Bobersky Lviv State University of Physical Culture

Ivan Boberskyi
Lviv State University
of Physical Culture

Outgoing students

Erasmus+ KA1 – Academic mobility for students, postgraduates


The following can participate in the competition for participation in the Erasmus+ KA1 academic mobility program: Students (bachelor’s, except for the first year of study, and master’s), postgraduate students (PhD students).

Candidates should meet the following requirements:

  • Be a full-time student
  • Have a level of English B2 / Polish not lower than B1
  • Study for excellent or good grades
  • Social activity or have high sports



Participant selection criteria


The selection of students nominated for participation in the mobility program is carried out by a commission established by order of the University Rector, which includes the Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work and International Relations, representatives of the Department of International Office, agreement coordinators from faculties and representatives of the Foreign Languages Department ​​according to the following criteria:

  • Academic performance (50%)
  • Language skills (30%)
  • Motivation (10%)
  • Social activity / involvement in scientific activities / sports achievements (10%)



Documents for the competition for students to participate in the Program
(according to the requirements of the Erasmus+ program and the European Commission):

  • Copy of international passport
  • Transcript of records
  • Copy of certificate confirming the level of foreign language B2
  • Motivation letter in English/Polish
  • List of documents certifying the student’s achievements and/or research work (mandatory for postgraduate students)


For all questions regarding applications for participation in the mobility program, please contact the LSUPC Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator:

Liliya Bedriy-Fertsak, Head of International office
Tel.: +38 (032) 255-32-03
E-mail: relationsldufk@gmail.com
International office (room 216) – 11, Kostuishka str., Lviv, 79007

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