Ivan Bobersky Lviv State University of Physical Culture

Ivan Boberskyi
Lviv State University
of Physical Culture

014.11 Secondary education (Physical Culture)

University degree and qualification Bachelor

Bachelor of Secondary Education (Physical Culture)

Official name of the curriculum Secondary Education (Physical Culture)
Type of diploma and scope of the curriculum Bachelor’s degree diploma, single,

240 ECTS credits

Duration of studies
  • 3 years 10 months (full-time)
  • 4 years 10 months (part-time)
  • based on complete secondary education – 3 years 10 months (full-time) and 4 years 10 months (part-time);
  • based on professional junior bachelor’s degree, junior bachelor’s degree, (Educational Qualification Level (EQL) «junior specialist»): – 2 years 10 months (full-time and part-time) 60 ECTS credits received within previous educational program are recognized and re-credited;
  • based on bachelor’s degree or master’s degree of Higher Education 2 years 10 months (part-time education) 60 ECTS credits received within previous educational programs are recognized and re-credited.
Cycle / level First cycle of the European Higher Education Area Qualifications Framework (EQ-EHEA),

First (Bachelor’s) level of higher education,

Seventh level of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF),

Sixth level of the EQF

Prerequisites Complete general secondary education, professional junior bachelor’s degree, junior bachelor’s degree (Educational Qualification Level (EQL) «junior specialist»), «bachelor» degree, or bachelor’s degree, master’s degree of Educational Qualification Level (EQL) «specialist» in another specialty  required
Language(s) of instruction Ukrainian 

In some cases (in accordance with the students’ statements), teaching in English can be arranged 

Validity of the curriculum Certificate of specialty accreditation: UD No. 1400990 is valid until 01.07.2027
Internet address of the curriculum description https://www.ldufk.edu.ua
Subject area (field of study, specialty, specialization) Field of study: 01 Education/Pedagogy

Specialty: 014 Secondary education (Physical Culture)

Specialty: 016 Special education

Orientation of the curriculum The curriculum is designed to provide specialized knowledge aligned with the latest achievements in physical culture, inclusive education, and special education. It emphasizes the development of skills and experiences essential for fostering innovative thinking and practices, particularly in educational, methodological, scientific research, and teaching activities. This curriculum aims to equip professionals to effectively address and anticipate specialized tasks and practical challenges in the fields of physical culture, sports, and education, including special and inclusive education. A commitment to enhancing professional and scientific career opportunities is integral to this approach
The main focus of the curriculum and specializations Emphasis on the formation of a physical education teacher who is proficient in modern educational and information technologies in the fields of physical culture, sports, capable of creative scientific research and teaching activities, continuous self-education, and self-improvement.
Features of the curriculum The curriculum is based on the current trends in the field of pedagogy, psychology, physical education, and sports and is aimed at the development of fundamental knowledge and professional competencies, taking into account the features of the educational sphere to provide the individual trajectory of professional training of a specialist
Educational Qualification  Bachelor of Physical Education,

Teacher of Physical Culture

Professional qualification(s) (for regulated professions only)


Basic secondary education and institutions extracurricular education for student youth. The main positions:

1) According to the current version of the National Classifier of Ukraine: Classification of professions (DK 003: 2010):

  • 2320 Teachers of general secondary educational and specialized educational institutions;
  • 2321 Teachers of professional (technical and vocational) educational institutions
  • 2322 Educators of professional pre-higher education institutions
  • 2340 Teachers of special educational institutions2359.2 Educator-organizer of extracurricular educational work with children
  • 3340 Specialist providing leisure activities
  • 3340 Instructor-methodologist in tourism
  • 3414 Instructor of health and sports tourism (by type of tourism)
  • 3475 Coach-teacher in a sport (sports school, sections)
  • 3475 Instructor-methodologist in physical culture and sport
  • 3475 Instructor-methodologist of the gym (hall)
  • 3475 Physical education instructor

2) According to the International Standard Classification of Occupations 2008 (ISCO-08):

  • 233 Secondary Education Teachers;
  • 235 Other Teaching Professionals;
  • 342 Sports and Fitness Workers
Further education Opportunity to study according to the educational-scientific or educational-professional curriculum of the second (Master’s) level of higher education, EQF LLL – level 7, NRC (NQF – national qualifications framework) of Ukraine – level 7, FQ-EHEA – second cycle.

Acquisition of additional qualifications in the postgraduate education system.

Assessment Oral and written exams, credits, testing defense of practice reports, defense of term papers (projects), defence of the qualification work, comprehensive certification exam
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