Ivan Bobersky Lviv State University of Physical Culture

Ivan Boberskyi
Lviv State University
of Physical Culture

241 Hotel and restaurant business

University degree and qualification in the original language Bachelor

Bachelor in Hotel and Restaurant Business

Official name of the program Hotel and Restaurant Business
Type of diploma and scope of the curriculum Bachelor’s degree, single, 240 ECTS credits
Accreditation institution  
Cycle / level Ukrainian National Qualifications Framework–level 6,

FQ-EHEA – first cycle,

EQF-LLL – level 6

Prerequisites Availability of complete general secondary education or OKR «Junior Specialist» (regulated by the Admission Rules to the I. Boberskyi State University of Physical Culture)
Language(s) of instruction Ukrainian
Duration of the curriculum 3 years 10 months (full-time),

4 years 10 months (part-time)

Internet address https://www.ldufk.edu.ua
Subject area (branch of knowledge, specialty, specialization) Objects of study:

hotel and restaurant business, as a component of the service sector, as a sphere of professional activity, which involves the formation, promotion, implementation and organization of consumption of hotel and restaurant services, hotel and restaurant service.

Theoretical content of the subject area:

Hotel business, restaurant business, restaurant production technologies, information systems and technologies in the field of hotel and restaurant business, hotel and restaurant economics, marketing, principles of designing enterprises (establishments) of the hotel and restaurant industry, legal regulation and ensuring the safety of consumers of hotel and restaurant services, equipment of hotel and restaurant enterprises.

Orientation of the curriculum The curriculum is focused on training specialists who must possess modern knowledge, methods and tools for analysis, synthesis and implementation of effective activities in the field of hotel and restaurant business
Main focus of the curriculum and specialization The curriculum is focused on the formation and development of professional competencies of specialists for effective activities in the service sector.
Features of the curriculum Interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary training of specialists for the hospitality industry with a priority of the practical component and taking into account the regional aspect
Eligibility for employment


Bachelors in hotel and restaurant business can be employed at enterprises of any organizational and legal form (state, municipal, commercial, non-commercial) and hold positions performing professional work in accordance with the National Classifier of Occupations (DK 003:2010 as amended, Section 3. Specialists, Section 1.):

  • 3414 Hotel service specialist;
  • 3414 Conference service specialist;
  • 3414 Leisure organization specialist;
  • 3414 Specialized service specialist;
  • 3414 Organizer of tourism and hotel activities;
  • 3436 Assistant managers;
  • 145 Managers (managers) in trade, hotels and restaurant establishments:
  • 1455 Managers (managers) in hotels and other places of accommodation;
  • 1456 Restaurant manager;
  • 1456 Cafe (bar, dining room) manager;
  • 1456 Manager of a catering enterprise;

With professional experience, bachelor graduates have the right to hold positions performing the following professional work from the National Classifier of Professions (DK 003:2010 as amended, Section 2. Professionals, Section 1.):

  • 2482 Professionals in the hotel and restaurant industry:
  • 2482.1 Hospitality specialist (hotels, tourist complexes, etc.);
  • 2482.2 Hotel specialist;
  • 2482.2 Restaurant specialist.
  • 1315 Managers of small hotel and restaurant enterprises without management;
  • 1225 Managers of production units in restaurants, hotels and other places of accommodation;
  • 123 Managers of functional units.
Further training Possibility of continuing education under the program of the second (master’s) level of higher education. Acquisition of additional qualifications in the system of postgraduate education, advanced training. Academic mobility. Acquisition of additional qualifications in the system of adult education.
Assessment Current control: survey at term classes; assessment of students’ achievements in practical classes; testing; evaluation of written, analytical, creative works, essays, presentations, results of information searches, abstracts, scientific materials.

Term control: tests, exams, probation report/defence.

Finals (certification): comprehensive certification exam and public defense of the qualification work.

Assessment and certification can be implemented using video communication in real time.

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