Ivan Bobersky Lviv State University of Physical Culture

Ivan Boberskyi
Lviv State University
of Physical Culture

242 Tourism and recreation

University degree and qualification Master’s degree
Master of Tourism
Official name of the curriculum Tourism Activity Organization
Type of diploma and scope of the curriculum Master’s degree diploma, single, 90 ECTS credits.
Duration of study – 1 year 4 months. Full-time and part-time study formats.
Accreditation Certificate of Accreditation for the Specialty UD 14009301.
Certificate validity period: until 01.07.2025
Cycle/level NQF of Ukraine – Level 7 FQ-EHEA – Second Cycle EQL-LLL – Level 7.
Prerequisites Possession of a Bachelor’s degree or Specialist’s qualification level.
Language(s) of instruction Ukrainian language
Validity of the curriculum Until the scheduled update, not exceeding the accreditation period.
Internet address of the curriculum description
Subject area (branch of knowledge, specialty) Field of Knowledge: 24 Service Sector

Specialty: 242 Tourism

Object of Study and Activity:

  • tourism as a social phenomenon and a complex dynamic system that includes objects, phenomena, conditions, and processes of geographical, economic, organizational-legal, socio-cultural, ecological, and psychological nature, related to safe travel and tourist service;
  • tourism as a sphere of professional activity of tourism industry entities regarding the organization and management of the tourism process at various hierarchical levels, ensuring the conditions for the functioning and development of the international tourism market.

Learning objectives – acquiring the ability to solve research and/or innovation and/or managerial tasks in the field of tourism and recreation.
Theoretical content of the subject area: key concepts, categories, concepts, and principles that define the specifics of the functioning of tourism and recreation entities at various hierarchical levels of territorial management and the tourism business.

Methods, methodologies, and technologies: spatiotemporal, sociocultural, ecological, economic-mathematical, non-financial analysis, synthesis, forecasting, project management, digital technologies.

Tools and equipment: specialized software, integrated databases, cartographic sources; specialized laboratories.

Orientation of the curriculum The Master’s curriculum provides dynamic, integrative, and interactive learning. The curriculum offers a comprehensive approach to activities in the field of tourism and implements this through various forms of learning and practical training.
The courses and modules included in the program are focused on current areas that offer opportunities for further professional and academic careers for the student.
Main focus of the curriculum and specializations Education in the field of 24 Service Sector, specialty 242 Tourism.
Keywords: tourismology, project activities, innovative development, tourism market monitoring, tourism policy.
Features of the curriculum The curriculum is aimed at providing students with the necessary knowledge and practical skills required by tourism professionals to address issues arising in organizational and managerial, economic, commercial, investment, and research activities.

The key features of the program include:

  • a wide range of elective courses;
  • the right for students to form an individual educational trajectory at the university by selecting courses;
  • regional aspects in the field of recreation and tourism are taken into account, as well as the features of the development of domestic and international tourist flows;
  • the use of innovative approaches in teaching specialized courses, including extracurricular practice-oriented training and dual education;
  • the curriculum is carried out in an active research environment;
  • close collaboration with employers and the development of practical competencies that enable effective action in a competitive tourism business environment;

Internships and practical training at domestic and international tourism industry institutions:

  • study of modern information systems and technologies in tourism;
  • the use of various platforms for creating digital educational content and online interaction during the learning process. Specifically: Moodle, Zoom, Google, Skype, Viber.
  • the opportunity to undergo production practice in the chosen specialization and internship for master’s students abroad.
Eligibility for employment In institutions, establishments, enterprises of various forms of ownership and their associations, in public tourism management bodies at different levels, and in public tourism organizations.

A person who has obtained a Master’s degree in tourism may engage in professional activities in the tourism business sector and, according to the National Classifier of Ukraine «Classification of Professions» DK 003:2010, hold positions under the following job titles and professional group codes:

  • 2481.2 – Tourism Expert
  • 2481.2 – Guide Expert
  • 2213.2 – Recreation Specialist
  • 2483.2 – Health Resort Specialist

According to the International Standard Classification of Occupations 2008 (ISCO-08):

  • 242 Administration Professionals
  • 243 Sales, Marketing, and Public Relations Professionals
Further education For the Master’s degree – they have the right to continue their studies at the third educational and scientific level of higher education; engage in academic mobility; acquire additional qualifications in the adult education system.
Assessment Evaluation of students’ educational achievements is based on the ECTS system and the national rating scale. Current control: oral and written survey, assessment of work in small groups, scientific reports, testing, defense of individual tasks.

Final assessment: exams and credits, taking into account the accumulated points from ongoing assessment.

State certification: preparation and public defense (demonstration) of the qualification (master’s) thesis.

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