Ivan Bobersky Lviv State University of Physical Culture

Ivan Boberskyi
Lviv State University
of Physical Culture

Applying to LSUPC

To start the admission process at our university, you need to apply for an invitation to study:

  1. Provide scans of educational documents and the first page of your passport
  2. Scan of the signed consent to the processing of personal data
  3. Receive the original invitation to study by mail (DHL or UPS)
  4. Make an appointment to apply for a visa at the Embassy / Consulate of Ukraine or at the visa centre in your country of residence
  5. Fill out the visa application form
  6. Make a translation of educational documents into Ukrainian
  7. Legalise/apostilise your educational documents in your country
  8. Go through the procedure of recognition of educational documents – https://naric.in.ua/en  – it is better to do this online, before enrolment, although it is possible to complete this procedure during the first year of study.
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