Ivan Bobersky Lviv State University of Physical Culture

Ivan Boberskyi
Lviv State University
of Physical Culture

Photo story “History of survival in the hell of war”

The feeling of pain has not left all Ukrainians since February 24. Now there is absolutely nothing left of ordinary life on the territory of Ukraine – the Muscovites are destroying everything without a drop of doubt and pity. In the hell of the war, namely in occupied Mariupol, there was a third-year student of the Faculty of Tourism of the Ivan Bobersky Lviv State University of Physical Culture – Vlad Zhitenyov, who told his story of survival. We are very happy that he is safe now, having overcome a difficult path.

“I decided to cover the events taking place in Mariupol because of my short history,” Vlad said succinctly.

P.S. Special thanks to these people: mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, soldiers of the Azov Regiment and 36 OBRM, doctors at the blood transfusion station, neighbor Igor, Natalia Fyodorovna, Bogdan, Irina and other friends who were worried about me, Rice and Masha ».

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