Ivan Bobersky Lviv State University of Physical Culture

Ivan Boberskyi
Lviv State University
of Physical Culture


Incoming students may apply for a place in the student dormitory or private flat.

University dormitory

Address: 25 Pid Holoskom str., Lviv, 79061, Ukraine

International office:
Tel.: +38 (063) 428-25-74
Tel.: +38 (032) 255-32-03

E-mail: relationsldufk@gmail.com

International students, graduate students and foreign nationals entering the preparatory department are provided with block dormitories (a block consists of 2 rooms, 4 beds, WC + shower + kitchen).

Accommodation costs – 1 560 UAH per month for one bed!

The University registers your place of stay at the local representation of the State Migration Service of Ukraine in the Lviv Region.

The university dormitory provides all students with a safe shelter!


Private housing

In case you choose to rent a private flat, you will have to conclude an accommodation contract and register your place of stay at the local representation of the State Migration Service of Ukraine in the Lviv Region. The price for such an accommodation depends on the district and the number of rooms. Prices of private accommodation vary plus extra costs for water, heating, electricity and Internet.

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