Oleg Bubela and Andriy Vlasov were awarded with the Thanks of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine

For significant personal contribution to the development of physical culture and sports of Ukraine, promotion of healthy lifestyles, professionalism, dedication and on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after Ivan Bobersky, the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine thanked our teachers.

Thanks to the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine

Oleg Yulianovich –
Head of the Department of Gymnastics, Associate Professor,
Candidate of Sciences in Physical Education and Sports

Andriy Petrovich –
Associate Professor of Informatics and Kinesiology,
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences


The administration and the entire staff of our University sincerely congratulate Oleg Yulianovich and Andriy Petrovich with the award of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine and wish them good health, happiness and success in teaching and new achievements in scientific work!

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