On Wednesday, February 12, Acting State Secretary of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine Dmytro Panko visited the Ivan Boberskyi Lviv State University of Physical Culture. During the visit, he met with the university leadership, teachers and students, discussing the development of sports education, support for young athletes and improvement of state programs in the field of physical culture. He also visited the cyber classroom, where, together with the rector, he considered the issue of introducing cyber specialization and artificial intelligence into the educational process.
Dmytro Panko emphasized the importance of modernizing sports infrastructure and training a new generation of specialists: «The Ivan Boberskyi State University of Physical Culture is not just a university, but a real forge of champions. The Ministry will continue to support talented youth, because the development of sports is a strategic priority for Ukraine».
He toured the university’s educational and sports facilities, including the building on Dudaieva Street and the SKIF complex, student dormitories, got acquainted with the history of the institution and its achievements, and also talked with coaches and students who represent Ukraine on the international stage.
A special moment of the visit was the awarding of university employees with awards from the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine for their significant contribution to the development of physical culture and sports, professionalism and dedication to the cause:
• Buniak Zoriana Myroslavivna – Chief Accountant of the University;
• Sosina Valentyna Yuriivna – Head of the Choreography and Art History Department;
• Libovych Nadiia Petrivna – Senior Lecturer of the Sports and Recreational Games Department;
• Borkin Volodymyr Panteliiovych – Senior Laboratory Assistant of the Athletics Department.