Ivan Bobersky Lviv State University of Physical Culture

Ivan Boberskyi
Lviv State University
of Physical Culture

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) 017 Physical Culture and Sports

University degree and qualification Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Doctor of Philosophy in Physical Culture and Sports

Official name of the curriculum Physical Culture and Sports
Type of diploma and scope of the curriculum Doctor of Philosophy Degree

57 ECTS credits (educational component)

Term of study – 4 years

Qualification in the diploma Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Specialty – 017 Physical Culture and Sports

Cycle / level Ukrainian National Qualifications Framework – 8 level;

FQ-EHEA – third cycle, ЕQF-LLL – 8 level

Prerequisites Master’s (specialist) degree
Language(s) of instruction Ukrainian
Validity of the curriculum  
Internet address of the curriculum description
Subject area (field of knowledge, specialty, specialization) Field of knowledge: 01 Education/Pedagogy

Specialty: 017 Physical Culture and Sports

Orientation of the curriculum Educational and Scientific, Worldview
Main focus of the curriculum and specializations The curriculum is focused on the formation of a scientific worldview, a holistic system of knowledge and general and professional competencies for carrying out scientific and scientific-pedagogical activities in the field of physical culture and sports, identifying and solving, as a result of scientific research, problems of history, theory, methodology and organization of social practices of sports (children’s sports, children’s and youth sports, reserve sports, elite sports, Olympic sports, non-Olympic sports, professional sports, adaptive, veteran sports, mass sports, etc.) and areas of physical culture (physical education of different groups of the population, health and recreational activities of different groups of the population), the content and organization of physical culture and sports services, training personnel in the field.

Keywords: physical culture and sports, scientific activity, scientific-pedagogical activity, social practices of sports, physical activity, personnel training.

Features of the curriculum The curriculum is subject-oriented regarding scientific and research work in the field of sports and its social practices, physical culture, physical education of various population groups, individual activities in the field of physical culture and sports.

The scientific part of the educational component of the curriculum is based on the long-standing methodological traditions of the university, cooperation and use of the experience of scientific and research activities of domestic and foreign higher education institutions, the use of modern, in particular, author’s tools and methods for obtaining empirical data, the formation of knowledge regarding copyright and the promotion of academic integrity.

Scientific and pedagogical staff involved in the implementation of the educational and scientific program are authors of fundamental and applied scientific works, leaders of scientific schools and founders of original scientific concepts, have completed internships in European and Ukrainian higher education institutions, have experience in international cooperation in the educational and scientific field and are able to motivate students.

In the implementation of the practical part of the educational component of the curriculum, the emphasis is on the formation of the ability to conduct training sessions and ensure the achievement of planned learning outcomes, taking into account the individual characteristics and needs of students, and the formation of professional competencies of a scientific and pedagogical staff.

Eligibility for employment Graduates are recommended to be employed in positions which require a PhD degree:

  • research and scientific and pedagogical work in higher education institutions;
  • research, scientific and pedagogical work in scientific and research institutions in the field of physical culture and sports.

Graduates can be employed in positions (according to the current Classification of Occupations of Ukraine DK 003:2010):

  • 1229.6 – Heads of departments in the field of culture, recreation and sports
  • 1492 – Managers (administrators) in the field of culture, recreation and sports
  • 2310.1 – Professors and associate professors
  • 2310.2 – Other teachers of universities and higher educational institutions
  • 2351.1 – Research associates
Further education Further education for Doctor of Science Degree
Assessment Written and oral forms of knowledge control. Tests, exams. Public semester reports on the implementation of the individual plan of the postgraduate student and public annual certification. Approbation of research results at scientific conferences and publication of research results in periodicals and monographs in accordance with current legislation.
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