Ivan Bobersky Lviv State University of Physical Culture

Ivan Boberskyi
Lviv State University
of Physical Culture

024 Choreography

University degree and qualification  Second (Master) level
Master of Arts (MA) in Choreography,

Curriculum: Choreography

Official name of the curriculum 024 «Choreography»
Type of diploma and scope of the curriculum MA diploma, single, 90 ECTS credits, duration of study– 1 year and 4 months
Cycle / level National Qualifications Framework (NQF) of Ukraine – 7th level, EQ-EHEA – 2nd cycle, EQF-LLL – 7th level
Prerequisites Basic level of higher education. Educational Qualification Level (EQL) «Bachelor» or «Junior Bachelor/Specialist», or Master’s degree in another specialty, are required. 
Additional admission requirements Admission is carried out in accordance with the admission requirements for the educational-professional program of the respective year of entry and is determined by the admission rules for the bachelor’s degree program at Ivan Boberskyi Lviv State University of Physical Culture. 
Language(s) of instruction Ukrainian
Validity of the curriculum Till July 1, 2025
Internet address of the curriculum description https://www.ldufk.edu.ua
Subject area (branch of knowledge, specialty, specialization) 02 Culture and Arts.

024 Choreography.

Object of study and activity: – choreographic art and education.
Purpose of education – training specialists capable of solving complex tasks and problems in the field of «Culture and Art», specializing in «Choreography» during professional activities or in the learning process, which involves conducting research and/or implementing innovations, and is characterized by uncertainty of conditions and requirements.
Theoretical content of the subject area:

  • principles, forms, methods, and techniques of pedagogical activity in higher choreographic education;
  • methodology and methods of scientific research in choreography;
  • principles and methods of choreographer’s activity;
  • principles and methods of organizational and managerial activity in the field of choreographic art and education.

Methods, techniques, and technologies:

  • methods, techniques, technologies of choreographic training in higher education institutions;
  • methods and technologies of choreographic staging activities;
  • methods, techniques, technologies for conducting scientific research on artistic, pedagogical, organizational, and managerial issues in the choreographic field;
  • methods of organizational and managerial activity.

Tools and equipment:

  • specially equipped training dance halls, auditoriums;
  • audiovisual technical equipment.
Orientation of the curriculum The educational and professional program has practical and applied significance and provides for integrative artistic, educational, scientific and research training with an orientation towards an interdisciplinary synthesis of teaching, performing, research, compositional and project activities.
Main focus of the curriculum and specializations Special choreographic education in the field of knowledge 02 «Culture and Art», in the specialty 024 «Choreography».

Emphasis on the formation of professional competencies that ensure successful innovative teaching, compositional and design, performing, organizational and managerial and research activities in the field of choreography, which provides the possibility of further education and career growth taking into account the current state of the theory and practice of choreographic art.

Keywords: choreographic art, higher choreographic education, ballet master, pedagogical and research activities.

Features of the curriculum The program is developed in accordance with the Higher Education Standard of Ukraine, taking into account modern labor market needs in the field of choreography, including sports choreography, as well as experience in training specialists from leading domestic universities. 

The program allows you to master the research, choreographic, pedagogical component in the process of professional activity. General education in the fields of professional foreign language, management in the field of art, methodology and organization of scientific and research work, intellectual property and copyright.

Eligibility for employment Master (MA) of choreography, teacher of professional disciplines can work in cultural and artistic, scientific, educational fields, working in teaching, research and administrative positions.

A professional is able to perform the specified professional work according to the Classification of Occupations of Ukraine (DK) 003-2010:

  • 2310.2 – Teacher of higher educational institution
  • 2320 – Teacher of choreographic disciplines.
  • 2454.1 – Art critic (choreography)
  • 2454.2 – Ballet master
  • 2454.2 – Head of a dance group
  • 2454.2 – Choreographer
  • 2455.2 – Head of a studio of different art types and artistic creativity, amateur association, club for interests, etc.
  • 2455.2 – Methodist of a cultural and educational institution;
  • 3479 – Other specialists in the field of culture and art. 
Further education The opportunity to continue studies at the third (doctoral) level of higher education. Acquisition of additional qualifications in the postgraduate education system.
Assessment A comprehensive system for testing students’ knowledge, abilities and skills is carried out according to the Regulations on the organization of the educational process at Ivan Boberskyi Lviv State University of Physical Culture.

Forms of ongoing and final assessment, aimed at mastering the educational material of the educational program: oral examinations, practical exams (demonstrations of creative works), tests, defense of reports from assistant and pre-diploma internships, intermediate module control, oral and practical presentations, public defense of the master’s qualification thesis.

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